Today's Blessing

Choosing to be joyful is like taking a good dose of medicine; it goes to work, fixes your aliments and makes you feel better. On the contrary, a burdensome heart not only causes mental anguish, but brings physical challenges as well. Sweet mom, God is looking after everything today, do not spend another moment worrying. He cares for you.

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. (Proverbs 17:22, NIV)

  I love starting a new year. It’s fresh and full of promise – a miracle. “Miracles are supernatural events that supersedes natural laws.” Do you need a few of these this year? Last week I drove by a familiar intersection and a memory came flooding back. Let me tell you about a miracle … […]

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Dear Mom, This year is almost in the history books and what’s done is done. The good news is: you can start fresh tomorrow and to ensure change, commit to forgetting the past – both good and bad. The good has a tenacity to make us proud, and the bad, well, that can keep us […]

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Do Not Worry The Bible says not to worry about anything. Ponder that for a moment. Not-to-worry-about-anything. That’s intense. My Mom heard a quote once and when she detects worry in herself (or me!) she says, “Worry is needless, useless and godless”. She’s right. Worry zaps the life out of good moments and sucks the […]

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The Night Everything Changed As darkness fell, nothing was out-of-the-ordinary. The shepherds were in the fields with their sheep, possibly reclining with their back against a rock (uncomfortable!) – watching, like every other night. Can you imagine their surprise, when right before their slumbering eyes an angel appeared? And I wonder why to them? During […]

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Recently, I had the great joy and privilege of being present at the birth of my son and daughter-in-law’s fifth child. As I witnessed this precious soul, labouring to bring forth another child – I thought of the young Mary. Did she too experience labour pains? Did she too, almost die – to give birth? […]

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