A Minute for Moms


Dear Mom,

Perhaps you have just received some disappointing news. Disappointments are so hard, especially at Christmastime. Be assured sweet mom, nothing takes God by surprise. He often corrects situations in roundabout ways, so be patient and see how everything turns out. One thing for sure, God will never leave you; He is on your side. He can make a way and you can make it through.

“The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms”. Deuteronomy 33:27

Dear Mom, If you don’t know what to do, the Bible says to “inquire” of the Lord. The implication here is to ask for God’s direction. Just the other day I needed clarity as to what to do about a situation. I asked for direction and waited. Within a few days, I knew which way […]

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Dear Mom, We all have the same enemy, the evil one. The Bible says he roars around like a lion seeking to destroy. Remember, he is only roaring and making noise; trying to paralyze you with fear, for one reason or another. I heard a quote once, “When the devil knocks on your door – […]

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Dear Mom, “I will trust and not be afraid.” I have voiced this truth thousands of times under my breath in all kinds of situations. If anxiety is overriding your peace and fretting is replacing your sleep; if worry is draining your life away, then you too need to whisper, “I will trust and not […]

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Dear Mom, We just don’t like it when our kids complain about making beds, or emptying garbage or some other chore; and did you know the Bible says to do everything without complaining? God’s word is so practical; even down to doing things without grumbling. What a great principle for ourselves and to teach to […]

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