Recently, I had the great joy and privilege of being present at the birth of my son and daughter-in-law’s fifth child.
As I witnessed this precious soul, labouring to bring forth another child – I thought of the young Mary. Did she too experience labour pains? Did she too, almost die – to give birth? Or was it somehow divine? Did Joseph deliver this Christ child? This Child of promise? No doubt he had never witnessed a birth. How did he even know what to do? Was there another mother close by that helped? Did he rummage through their things, to find “swaddling” clothes? Did he look around and quickly clean out a cow’s feeder, the manager – to place his newborn son? I wonder…
So many ponderings of that first Christmas.
What we do know is, Mary lived through the birthing process and Jesus was born. Certainly not with the pomp deserving of a King, but humbly, quietly – exactly like He comes to us today.
And today, Jesus still speaks. “I was born. And 33 years later, I died. For you. To take away your sins. To reconcile you back to a Holy God.”
His question to us is: “Will you love me back? Will you live for me? Will you trust me even when my ways are puzzling?”
Heart searching questions as we close out 2019 and begin another year, another decade.
My answer is: “Yes, Jesus! A thousand times YES! I will love you back. I will trust You and live for You! Yes, yes, Jesus!”
You can make that your commitment for 2020! Or… make that promise to the Lord today!
“Yes, Yes, Jesus! Thank you for Christmas… for coming… I choose YOU!”