Today's Blessing

During this fall season, once again, the climate shifts and I am reminded that nothing on earth stays the same. Sweet mom, place your security in God, the Changeless One. Set aside a little time each day to read a Proverb and pray, even if you just open your Bible on the counter – read God’s love letter to you. Your beautiful. God loves you.

Be still, and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10, NKJV)

The destroyer is like a roaring lion, prowling around, circling your wagon, as it were. His ultimate hope is to steal your faith in God. He wants you to think that God doesn’t care about you and you’ve made too many mistakes in life, to go forward in victory. He’s actually quite vicious in his […]

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The Highlighting Miracle When my daughter was in grade 12, she visited a home for orphans in Kenya. She was chatting with them about school in North America and when she took out her books to keep caught up with her schooling, they were fascinated with her Highlighters. “What an idea” they thought. “Sure must […]

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Sweet Mom, Avoid the pitfall of comparing for no two journeys are the same. If you have been thinking that someone’s life looks easier than yours, do not be deceived; there are always things you know nothing about. Settle into God’s will for your life and be content. Comparing how we look, our family, our […]

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Forgetting the Past and Looking Ahead “Forgetting things behind you” Philippians 3:13 The writer of this truth was the apostle Paul. He sure needed to forget what was behind him. Perhaps you know his story from reading the New Testament. Paul was a dreadful persecutor of those who believed in Jesus. He hauled believers off to […]

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The other day I heard someone say, “This is just God’s intermission.” Made me stop and ponder. God’s intermission? There has never been a time in history were the whole world has shut down. Think about it? From the tiniest island to the biggest land mass – we are all in the same boat, as […]

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