Today's Blessing

Choosing to be joyful is like taking a good dose of medicine; it goes to work, fixes your aliments and makes you feel better. On the contrary, a burdensome heart not only causes mental anguish, but brings physical challenges as well. Sweet mom, God is looking after everything today, do not spend another moment worrying. He cares for you.

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. (Proverbs 17:22, NIV)

Forgetting the Past and Looking Ahead “Forgetting things behind you” Philippians 3:13 The writer of this truth was the apostle Paul. He sure needed to forget what was behind him. Perhaps you know his story from reading the New Testament. Paul was a dreadful persecutor of those who believed in Jesus. He hauled believers off to […]

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The other day I heard someone say, “This is just God’s intermission.” Made me stop and ponder. God’s intermission? There has never been a time in history were the whole world has shut down. Think about it? From the tiniest island to the biggest land mass – we are all in the same boat, as […]

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As a young child, whenever my parents were hit with a calamity, they went to God’s word and asked Him, “Lord, what are You saying about this situation? because, they knew, the Bible had an answer for everything. This practice was so successful in their lives, that I have carried this custom over into my […]

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Glaciers are magnificent giants standing like statues against a backdrop of the sea. As we inched our way towards this seemingly unmovable mountain, with just a little wind and a warm day – even these unyielding glaciers are no match for the heat of the sun. Perhaps you have a problem in your life that […]

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  It had been a busy day and I kept moving from morning to night, actually, with a new baby in the house, I was moving in the middle of the night as well.  It was bedtime for my other two and I had just tucked them in. Completely exhausted with my third child now asleep […]

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