Today's Blessing

Choosing to be joyful is like taking a good dose of medicine; it goes to work, fixes your aliments and makes you feel better. On the contrary, a burdensome heart not only causes mental anguish, but brings physical challenges as well. Sweet mom, God is looking after everything today, do not spend another moment worrying. He cares for you.

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. (Proverbs 17:22, NIV)

Dear Mom, Whenever you are not sure what to do, set aside your own human reasoning and listen for the quiet voice of God. As you take a few moments each day to read your Bible, even learn a verse by heart during your commute – your day with go much better. God wants to […]

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Dear Mom, Naomi was in deep despair. First her husband died, and then her two sons. Can you imagine such a situation? Life was nothing but hardship for Naomi. However, God continued to write her story and weaved a remarkable turn of events. Over time, her daughter-in-law Ruth married a distant relative Boaz, and they […]

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Read Your Bible

Dear Mom, I trust you are reading your Bible each day. Everything you need to be a godly woman is written in God’s Word. Often we surf the net or read all kinds of books, trying to find a formula to live right, when it has already been written – we just need to read […]

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Doing Good There are needy people all around us. You don’t have to look far to find someone to encourage. While on his way to work one day, my son saw a man sleeping on a park bench. A quick thought entered his mind, “I should leave him my lunch”. Now when you’re in your […]

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This day shouts, “start over” the old is gone and the new has come. The apostle Paul in the Bible certainly understood the concept of “the old is gone and the new has begun”. He needed a “do-over”. Read his story and you are quickly aware of his early beginnings. He was full of anger, […]

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