Today's Blessing

A much-loved minister friend of mine lost his fight to cancer. During one of his last sermons he challenged his people to “finish strong”. “Live with purpose” he said, “make your life count, every day you live is a precious gift so do not fritter away your time”. You only have today sweet mom, do not waste another moment. Love like there is no tomorrow!

I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course. (2 Timothy 4:7, KJV)

athletes don't quit

ATHLETES DON’T QUIT Athletes are such an inspiration to me. I love watching these warriors compete. They always “do what it takes” to win at their game. Take for example, bobsledders. They descend down giant ditches of solid ice, at bizarre speeds, in sleds on a steel edge. For years, they train and prepare to […]

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A Minute For Moms

Dear Mom, God’s kingdom works in reverse, humility before honour. Motherhood is a long lesson in selflessness. Regardless of how we handled yesterday’s challenges, every morning we can start fresh. The goal is to have more days that are productive, good and happy, than miserable, sad and bad days. It is never too late to […]

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A moment for moms

  Dear Mom, On the farm in early spring, the smell of old winter leaves burning says, “winter has passed”! The old literally goes up in smoke, to make way for the new growth underneath. Sometimes sweet Mom, we need to rid ourselves of wrong attitudes, draining friends, bad habits and every old bit of […]

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Do You Need a Miracle Today?

  Have you ever wondered if God really leads His people? Does He really go before them and make a way when there seems to be no way? This last month I have been reading through the book of Exodus in the Old Testament. You may recall this story. The Israelites had been beaten down […]

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Lord I don't Know What To Do But My Eyes Are On You

What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do We have all felt overwhelmed and just didn’t know what to do at times. Didn’t know what decision to make and didn’t know which way to turn. Jehoshaphat, (what a name!) in the Bible was bewildered too. They was an army coming against him and […]

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