Today's Blessing

There is a verse in the Bible that says, “She has done what she could”. At times there are situations in life that you simply cannot make right. Some relationships are irreparable, various circumstances are irreversible; you intentionally “do what you can” and then purposefully leave the final outcome to God. It’s the only way to move forward.

“She did what she could … ”. Mark 14:8 (NIV)

God sees you.

If you have ever travelled to the West Coast of the United States, you have seen the gigantic Redwoods. They are said to be the tallest trees on earth and interestingly, require the heavy coastal fog to thrive. Heavy coastal fog. The kind of fog that is: misty, low, damp, dark. You’d think these gigantic trees […]

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A High View I love looking down from an aircraft. As the fields take on the look of a patchwork quilt, while rivers meander through towns and mountains alike, yes, the view from above is breathtaking. There is order. The Bible says: “Then God saw everything that He had made and indeed it was very good”. […]

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Job’s Troubles If you read the Bible, you will be familiar with the life of Job. Through no fault of his own, he came up against a lot of trouble. Job had been very successful and served God faithfully. One day, his name came up in heaven. The devil, being jealous of such devotion, actually […]

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Looking for good friends

A FEW GOOD FRIENDS I’m sure you have found this to be true, good friends are hard to find. Whether you are in grade school, high school, college or later in life, loyal friends are few. Often we expect acquaintances to assume a more solitary role, that of a trustworthy friend. There lies the problem. […]

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God cares for You

Resist the Enemies Lies The devil tortures with fear. He whispers: “Your kids will buckle when faced with decisions. They won’t stand up for themselves. They will follow the crowd. They won’t walk away when they should. They won’t have any backbone. They won’t follow God”.  “You’re a terrible parent. You never get things right. […]

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