Today's Blessing

Choosing to be joyful is like taking a good dose of medicine; it goes to work, fixes your aliments and makes you feel better. On the contrary, a burdensome heart not only causes mental anguish, but brings physical challenges as well. Sweet mom, God is looking after everything today, do not spend another moment worrying. He cares for you.

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. (Proverbs 17:22, NIV)

Playing any sport forces you to persevere. Playing on a team produces cooperation. When my five children were young, we encouraged them to play all kinds of sports. Not really because of me, I might add, it was their Dad who loved sports and could play anything. Dejectedly, when I went to school, I was […]

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In Need Of Courage Today?  How could a blind climber scale Mr. Everest? I know, I couldn’t believe it to be true either. I listened with fascination as I watched his interview. To climb Mt. Everest with sight is a gruelling undertaking, but in darkness, with only a rope attached to someone else? His climb […]

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Staying Married for 60 Years I was at a wedding recently and heard the very-much-in-love bride and groom repeat their vows. I looked up the actual meaning of the word “vow”; to solemnly promise, to make a pledge or a personal commitment. Powerful words. “For better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and […]

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Impossible Situation Just like unpredictable weather, there are impossible situations, sudden storms in life, that catch us by surprise. Perhaps during your educational journey something unexpected has emerged. Allow me to encourage you, God knows all about it and has the answer to your dilemma. He can work out your situation. Actually, let me tell […]

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Raising Teenagers Often parents shudder when they think of their children becoming a “teenager”. I’ve searched through the Bible and cannot even find the word teenager. There is mention of children and youth … but no “teenager”. Interesting. When my children were young, many well-meaning parents would say, “Oh, you just wait until they become teenagers”. […]

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