Today's Blessing

Corrie ten Boom, whose life story is written in, “The Hiding Place” believes all our times are in His hands, even the difficult ones. In Holland during World War 11, Corrie’s family successfully hid Jews, until an informant told the authorities of the ten Boom’s activities and their home was raided. Sweet mom, in your mothering journey, at times we suffer for doing what is right.

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. (Psalm 34:19, NKJV)

Job’s Troubles If you read the Bible, you will be familiar with the life of Job. Through no fault of his own, he came up against a lot of trouble. Job had been very successful and served God faithfully. One day, his name came up in heaven. The devil, being jealous of such devotion, actually […]

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Looking for good friends

A FEW GOOD FRIENDS I’m sure you have found this to be true, good friends are hard to find. Whether you are in grade school, high school, college or later in life, loyal friends are few. Often we expect acquaintances to assume a more solitary role, that of a trustworthy friend. There lies the problem. […]

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God cares for You

Resist the Enemies Lies The devil tortures with fear. He whispers: “Your kids will buckle when faced with decisions. They won’t stand up for themselves. They will follow the crowd. They won’t walk away when they should. They won’t have any backbone. They won’t follow God”.  “You’re a terrible parent. You never get things right. […]

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God hears our Prayers

YOUR PRAYER IS HEARD! The Christmas season has just passed, however, I love the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth. They prayed and prayed for a child – and nothing. Year after year they hoped – and still nothing. Finally resigning themselves to “nothing”, they filed their prayer request “unanswered”. Then one day, as Zechariah was performing […]

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College Students Studying for Exams

Course Mess Up What’s a student to do? When … The college or university you are attending gives you the wrong information and you end up not having the right courses to graduate? Or, perhaps you’ve been working on a specific degree believing you have the correct requirements, only to find you are still missing […]

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