Today's Blessing

Choosing to be joyful is like taking a good dose of medicine; it goes to work, fixes your aliments and makes you feel better. On the contrary, a burdensome heart not only causes mental anguish, but brings physical challenges as well. Sweet mom, God is looking after everything today, do not spend another moment worrying. He cares for you.

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. (Proverbs 17:22, NIV)

A Minute For Moms

Dear Mom, I was visiting with a close friend one day and poured my heart out to her. Day-to-day mothering was getting the best of me. “I just won’t make it” I cried, “everything is going wrong”. She replied, “you will make it. Do you see mothers dropping dead everywhere?” Startled at her abrupt answer, […]

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Good Weather Always comes after a storm

Noah and God’s Promise If you were able to listen in on a conversation between Noah and his family, perhaps you would have heard something like this … “Father, the deafening sound of continuous rain is grating on our nerves. Please tell us for certain, God told you to do this? Surely by now everyone […]

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Dear Mom, Mother’s Day has just passed; I trust your children made you feel loved. I’ve been thinking of Mary, Jesus’ Mom. Imagine being chosen as a teenager to participate in such a remarkable story. We too are “chosen mothers” and have specific assignments to fulfil. Your children need YOU! Your personality, your gifts – […]

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Happy Mother's Day

Things I’ve Learned from a Godly Mom My Mom is my friend. Here’s what she taught me. 1. Love God. 2. Love your husband. 3. Love your children. 4. Love life. Now here’s a little more … Mom is fair, consistent and trustworthy; any conversation you have is safe with her. She’s a devoted Mom, […]

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Dear Mom, It was God’s idea that you should be born a little girl and grow into a beautiful woman. He saw your tiny body while still in your mother’s womb; He knit you all together and concluded “she is good”! Dear sweet Mom, God gave you life. Regardless of how you were conceived or […]

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