A Minute for Moms

Broken Things

“I went by the field of the lazy man, and by the vineyard of the man devoid of understanding; And there it was, all overgrown with thorns; It’s surface was covered with nettles; It’s stone wall was broken down.  When I saw it, I considered it well; I looked on it and received instruction …” Proverbs 24:30-32 When my son was in […]

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Dear Mom, If you are parenting on your own, allow me to encourage you today through the single mother Hagar, in the Bible. She was used, mistreated and thrown away; probably exactly how you feel. Hagar only had God, and no doubt, sobbed her sorrows out to Him; likely, daily. Sweet mom, are in a […]

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Dear Mom, Questions. We have all wondered why certain things have happened in our lives. However, while reading through the book of Job, I have my doubts that Job would recommend questioning God’s actions. He tried demanding answers from God and when God decided to reply, Job shamefacedly said, “Who am I to question You”? […]

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Dear Mom, If you think you can – you can, if you think you can’t – you are right. Watch your words. They will inspire or tire you. If we speak defeat, we will receive defeat. Why don’t you try; instead of negativity, everyday say out loud, “I can do this with God’s help. I […]

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  Dear Mom, I was visiting with a close friend one day and poured my heart out to her. Things had been going dreadfully wrong for months and day-to-day mothering was getting the best of me. Over a cup of coffee, I exclaimed, “I just won’t make it, everything is going wrong, I am so […]

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