A Minute for Moms

  Dear Mom, I just want to remind you of an important truth today, God is with you. You may not understand what is going on, but God does. At this very moment He is watching your every step; nothing escapes His attentive eye. He understands all your varied thoughts and is interested in everything […]

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Dear Mom, Be careful not to make a major decision during a crisis point in your life. During these times your emotions are inclined to rule and cannot be trusted. Sweet Mom, don’t answer too quick, breathe deeply and let your words be few. Once the fog clears and you can see the situation clearer, […]

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Drudgery - A Mom's Day

Dear Mom, Drudgery. Mothers sure know the meaning of that word! Much of our efforts in the home is repetitive, as you may have noticed … and for the most part … goes unnoticed. Very early on in my mothering I learned an important truth. I would often say, “no one sees what I’m doing […]

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Dear Mom, One day, it just so happened that two heartbroken widows Ruth and Naomi, travelled back to Naomi’s home-country. Needing food, it just so happened that Ruth gleaned in the field of a distant relative named Boaz, who just so happened to be rich and single (smile!) and you guessed it – Boaz just […]

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A Minute for Moms

  Dear Mom, In the evening, reflect on your day. What you did well, thank God – what you did wrong, ask His forgiveness. Refuse to carry over today’s frustrations into your brand new tomorrow. We all fail sweet Mom and don’t get it right every time … that is why we need a Saviour […]

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