A Minute for Moms

Drudgery - A Mom's Day

Dear Mom, Drudgery. Mothers sure know the meaning of that word! Much of our efforts in the home is repetitive, as you may have noticed … and for the most part … goes unnoticed. Very early on in my mothering I learned an important truth. I would often say, “no one sees what I’m doing […]

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Dear Mom, One day, it just so happened that two heartbroken widows Ruth and Naomi, travelled back to Naomi’s home-country. Needing food, it just so happened that Ruth gleaned in the field of a distant relative named Boaz, who just so happened to be rich and single (smile!) and you guessed it – Boaz just […]

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A Minute for Moms

  Dear Mom, In the evening, reflect on your day. What you did well, thank God – what you did wrong, ask His forgiveness. Refuse to carry over today’s frustrations into your brand new tomorrow. We all fail sweet Mom and don’t get it right every time … that is why we need a Saviour […]

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Dear Mom, Mothering challenges us to the limit and oftentimes stretches us beyond measure. Some days you are able to remain calm; on other days, you can boil over in a minute. Sweet Mom, when you have a bad day and before you sleep at night, spend a few moments with your Creator. God doesn’t […]

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A Minute For Moms

Dear Mom, I was visiting with a close friend one day and poured my heart out to her. Day-to-day mothering was getting the best of me. “I just won’t make it” I cried, “everything is going wrong”. She replied, “you will make it. Do you see mothers dropping dead everywhere?” Startled at her abrupt answer, […]

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