Feb,09 091

Dear Mom,

Questions. We have all wondered why certain things have happened in our lives. However, while reading through the book of Job, I have my doubts that Job would recommend questioning God’s actions. He tried demanding answers from God and when God decided to reply, Job shamefacedly said, “Who am I to question You”? and I agree. Only in times of great distress have I ever uttered, ‘why,’ and that wasn’t to receive an answer, but to empty myself of grief and receive God’s comfort. What a relief to know, God has never made a mistake, even when, in our confusion, that truth seems challenged. God deserves our utmost respect both now and forever. Blessed be His Beautiful and Holy Name.

Then Job answered the LORD and said, “Behold, I am insignificant; what can I reply to You? I lay my hand on my mouth”. (Job 40:4, NIV)

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