A Minute for Moms

Dear Mom, During this fall season, once again, the climate shifts and I am reminded that nothing on earth stays the same. I never liked change as a young mom; I found it too disruptive in my family’s routine, however, change is like an avalanche – impossible to hold back. I’ve learned, despite what is […]

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Dear Mom, Perhaps you are going in all different directions – exhausted, discouraged and overwhelmed. Sweet mom, slow down. You will fall apart unless you take a moment to recoup each day. Turn your phone over, make a cup of tea and stop. Breathe. Pick up your Bible and read a verse. Pray. You pour […]

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Dear Mom, Sometimes we walk by faith; like flying through clouds in an aircraft. All of the sudden the blue sky is gone and we cannot see a thing but white mist. What if we started to doubt the route and considered asking the attendant to explain where we’re going – oh sweet mom, you […]

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Dear Mom, You can never rise above your character sweet mom. Your husband and kids know who you really are; whew, scary isn’t it? There’s never any faking it at home! I know as mothers, we want to do the best for our families and I also know, it is hard to keep it together […]

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Dear Mom, It’s Friday. You made it another week. Praise God. To counteract the negative influences that bombard you everyday, an abundance of truth will need to be deposited. By reading the Bible daily and applying its principles, you will become wise. Sweet mom, be patient with yourself. Just like everyone else in your family […]

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