A Minute for Moms

Dear Mom, Children often, ‘act out’ as their only means of expressing, “something is not right in my world.” As mothers, our reactions must be more mature than their outbursts. I heard a quote once that carried me through many troubles, “Blessed are the children whose parents have already grown up.” We need God every […]

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Dear Mom, It was God’s idea that you should be born a precious girl. He saw your tiny body while still in your mother’s womb and knit you all together and confirmed, “she’s good!” It is God that gave you life, and He wanted you here on planet earth. Regardless of how you were conceived […]

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Dear Mom, I wonder what thoughts were in Mary’s mind as she lingered near the cross of her Son. Was she too hoping for a miracle? Her heart must have been breaking, surely angels would come and rescue heaven’s own – how could this be the end? We now know, it was not the end. […]

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Dear Mom, We all have had conversations and said things we wished we could take back. The Psalmist in the Bible must have said a few random things himself as He asks God to help him keep his mouth shut! Every now and then that is the godliest thing we can do, refrain from speaking. […]

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Dear Mom, Integrity is the character trait that connects the dots. When you know what you should, or should not do, integrity links the mind and body as one allowing the right choice or decision to be made. It is a virtue that begins in the heart and its results are priceless. A mother with […]

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