Dear Mom, You cannot hide from God. He is in the heavens, and roams the depths of the sea. He rides the wind, and circles the planets; He calls each star by name, and knows the exact number of galaxies in the skies. He is everywhere, and because God values our importance so much, He […]
A Minute for Moms
A Minute for Moms – God’s Strongest Forts
Dear Mom, Satan seems to find extra pleasure in attacking God’s strongest forts. The closer you draw nearer to God, the fiercer his attacks. He is after your faith sweet mom, pure and simple. He wants you to think God doesn’t care; that God won’t answer you and He has completely forgotten you. That is […]
A Minute for Moms – Stay the Course
Dear Mom, Life can get awfully messy. Try as you might to take a couple steps forward – you go back again a couple steps. Life’s interruptions are simply unavoidable. When my Grandpa was still alive, I would discuss various situations with him and he would always say with a smile, “God knows all about […]
Need Wisdom?
Dear Mom, Wisdom is priceless. If a solution to a particular dilemma has you bewildered, turn to the book of Proverbs. I assure you, insight and understanding will come, as you attentively read God’s word. God desires to guide you, to help you with all your decisions. He wants the best for you and for […]
The Lord’s Prayer
Dear Mom, Here is the, “Lord’s Prayer,” in my own words: “Dear God, wise, loving and powerful, may your will be done in everything today. Please give me my daily necessities and forgive my sins, as I forgive those, I know I should. Keep me from temptation and all evil, I honour your Name and […]