A Minute for Moms

Dear Mom, All the books in the world doesn’t prepare you for the reality of parenting. Thankfully, we have a Heavenly Father who understands us, and understands our children perfectly. I was talking to a mom with identical twins, and she said in amazement, “Every day I am in awe, they look exactly alike, but […]

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Dear Mom, When my oldest child was 15, the others were 13, 11, 3, 2. Raising older ones, and little ones at the same time, felt like I was being s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d as a mother – somewhat similar to an elastic band. Perhaps you feel the same way today, s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d. We are not just moms, but […]

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Dear Mom, A quick-tempered person finds themselves in all kinds of trouble. You either know someone with a short fuse, or sweet mom – it’s you! Oftentimes we bury hurt and pain, without ever taking the time to work through it, and unfortunately, that never works. Burying something alive means just that, it’s still alive. […]

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Dear Mom, If you are completely burnt out – often up until the wee hours of the morning trying to accomplish all your tasks, I pray that God renews your strength today. The Bible says when we are weak and completely spent, He is so incredibly strong. In a sense, we absorb the strength of […]

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Dear Mom, There is a purpose for everything under the sun. A time to work and a time to relax. A time to laugh and a time to cry. A time to keep and a time to throw away. A time to speak and a time to be quiet. A time to destroy and a […]

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