A Minute for Moms

beautiful sunset

Dear Mom, I listened to a young couple talk about their first-born child who had Downs Syndrome, and the shock they had the day of his birth. Listen to the dad’s thoughts a few years later: “My young son’s birth was the worse day of my life and also the best. I have leaned more […]

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Dear Mom, As I listened to a young soldier recall the ‘explosion,’ and how he has had to come to terms with the amputation of his leg, my heart was so saddened. I concluded, there is what you call outer strength and then there is another kind, a gripping inner tenacity. This young warrior, undoubtably, […]

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Dear Mom, Do not lose control of the only person that you can control – yourself. To give into anger or resort to resolving a conflict in an uproar will only cause more loss of control. To stay in control when everything is out of control takes divine control. God is with you sweet mom, […]

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heaven's arrivals

Her plane landed. She retrieved her luggage and quickly walked towards the arrival doors. When they opened, that’s when I saw her. I watched this young lady scan the crowd for the familiar face she had come to see. I’d say she was in her early 20’s, blonde hair dusting her shoulders, a tiny girl, […]

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  Dear Mom, The psalmist David had been discouraged; in fact, he describes himself as having perplexity of mind and in despair. Mothers can relate; some days you feel like you are loosing your mind – everyone wants a piece of you! From your job, to running the kids here and there, the doctors, the […]

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