A Minute for Moms

cottage life

Dear Mom, Wisdom comes from following God’s pattern for living, having plenty of common sense and doing what is right. Your actions and reactions have an affect on your home’s thermometer. When I was in my intense mothering years, and perhaps feeling a bit discouraged, I would ask myself, “Am I doing better than this […]

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Dear Mom, God’s mercies are new every day. He does not reprimand you for yesterday; never writes you off for wrong deeds, does not give you the silent treatment nor does He make sure you pay for messing up. Sweet Mom, every morning God simply waits for you to come to Him and talk. As […]

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beautiful sunset

Dear Mom, I listened to a young couple talk about their first-born child who had Downs Syndrome, and the shock they had the day of his birth. Listen to the dad’s thoughts a few years later: “My young son’s birth was the worse day of my life and also the best. I have leaned more […]

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Dear Mom, As I listened to a young soldier recall the ‘explosion,’ and how he has had to come to terms with the amputation of his leg, my heart was so saddened. I concluded, there is what you call outer strength and then there is another kind, a gripping inner tenacity. This young warrior, undoubtably, […]

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