A Minute for Moms

  It had been a busy day and I kept moving from morning to night, actually, with a new baby in the house, I was moving in the middle of the night as well.  It was bedtime for my other two and I had just tucked them in. Completely exhausted with my third child now asleep […]

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Dear Mom, This year is almost in the history books and what’s done is done. The good news is: you can start fresh tomorrow and to ensure change, commit to forgetting the past – both good and bad. The good has a tenacity to make us proud, and the bad, well, that can keep us […]

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The Night Everything Changed As darkness fell, nothing was out-of-the-ordinary. The shepherds were in the fields with their sheep, possibly reclining with their back against a rock (uncomfortable!) – watching, like every other night. Can you imagine their surprise, when right before their slumbering eyes an angel appeared? And I wonder why to them? During […]

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Recently, I had the great joy and privilege of being present at the birth of my son and daughter-in-law’s fifth child. As I witnessed this precious soul, labouring to bring forth another child – I thought of the young Mary. Did she too experience labour pains? Did she too, almost die – to give birth? […]

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  Dear Mom, God knows the secrets of the heart. Everything you have ever done or even thought of doing, God is aware; there is no hiding from Him. He loves us sweet mom, regardless of our failures and foolish choices. I know it’s hard for our minds to comprehend that Jesus simply forgives us […]

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