A Minute for Moms

a minute for moms

Dear Mom, God is looking for mothers who are looking for Him. With your solitary life, God can do abundantly, more than you can imagine. The Bible says, Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. (James 4:8) What an invitation! Just draw near. When I was a young mom with a […]

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Dear Mom, As hard as it is, don’t be discouraged with your child’s maturity progress. Each child develops at a different rate; ask any farmer and they will tell you: seeds – generally – grow – slow. As you patiently wait and water, (often with tears) you can expect a good harvest. Proverbs 31, is […]

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  Dear Mom, God wanted your children on planet earth, and gave them to you. They need you to believe in them sweet mom, and sometimes you will be the only one that does. Allow me to encourage you, always defend your offspring, fight for them, and if they are struggling in the process of […]

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Dear Mom, Whenever you are not focused on your immediate task “pray”; which in simple terms means “commune with God”. Develop the habit of conversing, mulling over situations and asking God’s opinion on all matters. You will find your personal relationship with God maturing, your faith strengthened and a trust developing in your Creator which […]

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Dear Mom, Chances are you have experienced a virus lurking in your computer. At the most inconvenient time, the whole system crashes. The deceiver, our enemy, does the same to us. He creeps around trying to con us, hoping our lives will, “crash.” He is against you, against me, and everyone we love. Thankfully though, […]

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