Dear Mom, Whenever you are not focused on your immediate task “pray”; which in simple terms means “commune with God”. Develop the habit of conversing, mulling over situations and asking God’s opinion on all matters. You will find your personal relationship with God maturing, your faith strengthened and a trust developing in your Creator which […]
A Minute for Moms
Our Mortal Enemy
Dear Mom, Chances are you have experienced a virus lurking in your computer. At the most inconvenient time, the whole system crashes. The deceiver, our enemy, does the same to us. He creeps around trying to con us, hoping our lives will, “crash.” He is against you, against me, and everyone we love. Thankfully though, […]
A Minute for Moms – We Are Not Promised Tomorrow
NOT PROMISED TOMORROW I will never forget one day in Grade 10. We were sitting at our desks, half asleep, usual for a Monday morning, listening to the hum of the announcements. Really no one was paying attention until … The principle came over the loud speaker and with his voice cracking, relayed to […]
Discouraged Today?
Are you are discouraged today? Perhaps a dream has been shattered? Maybe your future looked bright, but all of a sudden uncertainty loomed like an angry sea. Being ‘discouraged’ simply means you have lost your ‘courage’. From time to time we all lose courage, because… from time to time life is hard. Talk to the […]
A Minute for Moms – Ponderings
I have many favourite verses, and this is one of them: “But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart”. Can you imagine all the things Mary had to ponder? All the things she had to think about and mull over and couldn’t tell anyone? From the moment of this […]