A Minute for Moms

Start Fresh One day we had a herd of cows delivered to the farm. It was suppertime and I expected my husband home any minute, however, the delivery truck arrived a few minutes early and I shuttered, “Oh noooooooo, I need the delivery guy to wait for my husband before letting the cows out!!!” I […]

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The Highlighting Miracle When my daughter was in grade 12, she visited a home for orphans in Kenya. She was chatting with them about school in North America and when she took out her books to keep caught up with her schooling, they were fascinated with her Highlighters. “What an idea” they thought. “Sure must […]

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Sweet Mom, Avoid the pitfall of comparing for no two journeys are the same. If you have been thinking that someone’s life looks easier than yours, do not be deceived; there are always things you know nothing about. Settle into God’s will for your life and be content. Comparing how we look, our family, our […]

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As a young child, whenever my parents were hit with a calamity, they went to God’s word and asked Him, “Lord, what are You saying about this situation? because, they knew, the Bible had an answer for everything. This practice was so successful in their lives, that I have carried this custom over into my […]

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Glaciers are magnificent giants standing like statues against a backdrop of the sea. As we inched our way towards this seemingly unmovable mountain, with just a little wind and a warm day – even these unyielding glaciers are no match for the heat of the sun. Perhaps you have a problem in your life that […]

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