Start Fresh - Farm Cows

Start Fresh

One day we had a herd of cows delivered to the farm.

It was suppertime and I expected my husband home any minute, however, the delivery truck arrived a few minutes early and I shuttered, “Oh noooooooo, I need the delivery guy to wait for my husband before letting the cows out!!!”

I knew I shouldn’t ask that question as they don’t have time to wait – so the delivery/farmer guy looked at the electric fence we had and said, “no problem” and opened the back of the truck.

What happened next was wildness. Out barged the cattle stampeding like wild animals!

They bolted recklessly through the electric fences and into the farmer’s fields nearby. It was complete madness.

My husband arrived home shortly after to utter chaos. One look at me and then the hind end of all our cows and he started running – chasing them, trying to coral them back.


After a significant period of time and the repairing of broken fences – thankfully, we found all our cows …

You probably know people similar to our cows, taking no thought to consequences they barge through boundaries. If the truth be told, we all have been like the cows as well, ignored what we should have done, and did what we wanted… and… suffered the consequences.

However, we don’t have to keep “barging!”

Every morning we can start fresh with the help of our Creator … when we ask forgiveness, He wipes out our mistakes from yesterday and helps us start again … He’s so kind.

“… Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning, Great is Your faithfulness”. Lamentations 3: 22,23

 Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations”.  Psalm 100: 4,5

 Today’s Prayer:

 Dear Heavenly Father, teach me to obey you first thing. It is so unnecessary to always be learning the hard way. Thank you that Your mercies that are indeed new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness.

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