Lord I don't Know What To Do But My Eyes Are On You

What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do

We have all felt overwhelmed and just didn’t know what to do at times. Didn’t know what decision to make and didn’t know which way to turn.

Jehoshaphat, (what a name!) in the Bible was bewildered too. They was an army coming against him and he didn’t have the manpower to defend his people. He tried to come up with a solution, but couldn’t see a way out.

He went to God with his dilemma and concluded, “I don’t know what to do but my eyes are on you”. He asked for His direction and help.

Good advice.

“I don’t know what to do but my eyes are on you”.

God did indeed bring about a solution to his problem (read about the miracle in 2 Chronicles 20).

Often we don’t know what to do about various situations as well. Try as we might, we toss and turn all night and in the morning, still no solution.

Perhaps we should learn from Jehoshaphat. “I don’t know what to do so my eyes are on you” … then wait for God to speak or act.

Waiting means “to remain inactive or in a state of rest, calm, peace and tranquility until something expected happens”.

Therefore, waiting on God to correct a situation or find a solution to a problem, is putting our faith in Him and expecting He will come through for us, someway, somehow, sometime.

Waiting on God is often hard, but rushing ahead will prove to be much harder.

“Lord, I don’t know what to do but my eyes are on you”.

Great wisdom from an Old Testament saint.

Be still, and know that I am God …”. Psalm 46:10

God says “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye”. Psalm 32:8

Dear Heavenly Father, I have to admit, I don’t know what to do at times either. Please lead, guide and direct me Lord. Show me the way”.


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