Today's Blessing

It was God’s idea that you should be born a little girl and grow into a beautiful woman. He saw your tiny body while still in your mother’s womb and knit you together and concluded, “she is good!” Sweet Mom, God gave you life. Regardless of how you were conceived or who your parents were, He breathed life into your body so long ago. You were worth dying for. You belong to Jesus.

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14, NKJV)

Dear Mom, Moving. What a chore. No doubt, you have had your share of packing up and moving – most of us have! What a nuisance. However, I have good news. When Jesus comes again, there will be no more packing. He said, “I will come in the twinkling of an eye.” We’ll just leave […]

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God never leaves us

Dear Mom, You cannot hide from God. He is in the heavens, and roams the depths of the sea. He rides the wind, and circles the planets; He calls each star by name, and knows the exact number of galaxies in the skies. He is everywhere, and because God values our importance so much, He […]

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Dear Mom, Satan seems to find extra pleasure in attacking God’s strongest forts. The closer you draw nearer to God, the fiercer his attacks. He is after your faith sweet mom, pure and simple. He wants you to think God doesn’t care; that God won’t answer you and He has completely forgotten you. That is […]

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Dear Mom, Life can get awfully messy. Try as you might to take a couple steps forward – you go back again a couple steps. Life’s interruptions are simply unavoidable. When my Grandpa was still alive, I would discuss various situations with him and he would always say with a smile, “God knows all about […]

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Dear Mom, Chances are you have experienced a virus lurking in your computer. At the most inconvenient time, the whole system crashes. The deceiver, our enemy, does the same to us. He creeps around trying to con us, hoping our lives will, “crash.” He is against you, against me, and everyone we love. Thankfully though, […]

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