FOR THE LOVE OF HOCKEY Since I have a hockey lovin’ family and live where it’s cold in the winter, I have watched a lot of hockey … and when play-offs happen, it ups the anti. It almost seems like players and coaches are starting a new season. For the love of hockey, the Stanley […]
Life’s Journey
Poor Joseph – Despised By 10
Despised by 10 Brothers Can you imagine being despised by 10 brothers? Poor Joseph. Through no fault of his own, he was hated , rejected and shunned by all 10. To refresh the story in your mind … he was the second youngest of the twelve sons of Jacob. He may have been ill-treated by […]
A Bear, A Lion and A Giant
You have probably heard the story of David and Goliath. David was small in stature and Goliath, a hulk of a human being. In Bible days he was called a giant. To refresh your memory, David was a shepherd boy keeping watch over his sheep while all his brothers were at a standoff in the […]
God Sees The Big Picture
A High View I love looking down from an aircraft. As the fields take on the look of a patchwork quilt, while rivers meander through towns and mountains alike, yes, the view from above is breathtaking. There is order. The Bible says: “Then God saw everything that He had made and indeed it was very good”. […]
A Few Good Friends
A FEW GOOD FRIENDS I’m sure you have found this to be true, good friends are hard to find. Whether you are in grade school, high school, college or later in life, loyal friends are few. Often we expect acquaintances to assume a more solitary role, that of a trustworthy friend. There lies the problem. […]