Football Fortitude
When a football team runs onto the field, prep time is done and competition is on.
I love watching this sport.
These players have trained and now they are ready to rumble.
If you are a football player – I so admire your determination and “never quit” attitude. I appreciate your strength as you run down the field, make a tackle and get right back up. It’s awesome when you score a touchdown, then right away huddle for another play … and for those of you who are followers of Christ as well, I bless you.
If you are a student reading this post, now is prep time; studying, memorizing and the daily grind of learning.
Even though it is hard and today, uninteresting, remain in school. My children’s uncle used to say, “pretend you like it, until you do”.
Keep trying your best and I assure you everything will work out.
Success comes slowly.
Sometimes you have to switch courses, switch minors, even major’s but keep at it … ask God for His daily direction, His input and you won’t go wrong.
Your Creator is with you and has a remarkable plan for your life.
Don’t miss it!
“I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me”. Philippians 4:13
“ … the Lord watches over those who fear him …”. Psalm 33:18
“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might…”. Ecclesiastes 9:10
Football fortitude is what we need.
Today’s Prayer:
“Dear Heavenly Father, help me today to stay determined, keep focused and carry on”.