random act of kindness

When you get married you have these lofty thoughts on what marriage will be like. Cooking beautiful 4 course candlelight dinners – you’ve found each other and whew – off you go …

I too had the same thoughts decades ago and still remember this incident which was a …

Random Act of Kindness

I can’t say I love, love, love cooking – but I’m a cook. I learned to cook as a child and I’m glad I did. Whether you like it or not, as a mom or dad you need to cook. Simple fact, you and your family need to eat.

As a young bride, I made my first cherry pie. My husband loves cherry pies, cherry perogies, cherry anything, so one Saturday afternoon I thought, “how hard can it be”?

I proceeded to make the crust, the filling and everything looked pretty good. I popped it in the oven and was quite pleased to shout out – “I’m baking us a home-made cherry pie”. My husband looked up with a smile, I’m sure he thought, “finally, she’s making a pie – just like mom”!

I had baked the pie in an aluminum pan, as I didn’t have a ceramic pie plate at the time; I never even thought, I really didn’t even know, flimsy aluminum pans buckle when hot. Oh dear – what a disaster. As I took the pie out, in one quick moment … the whole thing collapsed on the floor!

My young husband heard my gasp and looked up.

He was horrified.

I was horrified.

What happened next I’ll never forget.

He calmly went to the cupboard, got a plate and big spoon, never cared one bit it was upside down on the kitchen floor; he just scooped it up, went to the table and proceeded to eat his cherry pie. He loved it!

Decades later I am telling you this story and fondly remember his, “random act of kindness”.

These random acts don’t always have to be something big – in fact, like my poor pie, it’s the little acts you remember, the kindnesses not even spoken with words.

Perhaps this week, instead of doing a random act of kindness to a random person – watch for opportunities to practice an “act of kindness” to those you love, someone living in your own home.

Who knows, it might be such an “act” they will remember forever …

BTW, I did make the cherry pie pictured above and ever since my pie drop, I now make them in ceramic pie plates. I learned my lesson well!

A smile for your day.

“Love is patient and kind …”. 1 Corinthians 13:4

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love”.
Ephesians 4:2

“And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity”. Colossians 3:14

Today’s Prayer:

“Dear Heavenly Father, no lofty request, just help me to be kind”.


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