Heaven - RSVP

Thoughts on Heaven

I’ve heard about heaven. Read about heaven. Thought about heaven … and am looking forward to going to heaven – but I’ve never been there.

My grandpa is there; He’s already made the trip.

So has my grandma, aunts, father-in-law, friends and a little tiny grandson – yes, heaven is a real place.

I’ve made my reservation, however, it’s RSVP only (RSVP means, “please respond”).Only those who make prior arrangements on earth will be welcomed into this eternal place called heaven.

Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life, there is no other way to the Father than through me” John 14:6

Many try to go to heaven through other means.

If I live as good as I can, then God will let me in. If I forgive everyone who has hurt me, then I’ll be good enough. If I give money to the poor, even help the poor, that has to account for something, or … I’ll get in by my good works. I’m a good person – most of the time.

My friend once said, “If on earth you lived like the devil and wanted nothing to do with God, how can you possibly think you would end up in heaven and live forever with Him?” Why would you want to go to heaven where God is?

Sobering thought.

On the upside, we have a choice and we can choose heaven.

We don’t have to be perfect to go there, thank goodness, or none of us would make it – just forgiven. Forgiven by a Saviour who died in our place …

The Lord Jesus Christ has made the way – be sure to answer His RSVP with “YES, I believe in You, I believe you died for my sins, forgive me – I accept Your gift of salvation”!

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”. John 3:16

Today’s Prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your son so I can be reconciled to you. Thank you for the hope of eternal life with you someday. You are truly a good good Father”.








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